Hi, I'm
Francesco Pira

Software craftsman, driven by curiosity. Interested in tech and business.

Currently Senior Software Engineer and DevSecOps fellow at Leonardo, Cyber & Security division, Hybrid Cloud Applications dept.

I like to design and implement back-end business logic. CLI addicted, I spend days (and nights) in a tmux-ed zsh session. Know more about me.

Opinions are mine, here and on social networks I post on.

I stand against inequality and racism. I can't be silent. Please read this.
Supporting Ukraine. Donate and act.

Thanks for being here, have a good read.

Latest blog posts
Fix blank lines when using Meld in WSL2
August 17, 2024
Meld may show a blank content when running on Ubuntu on WSL2 (WSLg)
Leveraging Alacritty terminal on Windows for a seamless experience in both PowerShell and WSL2 (Updated)
August 13, 2024
A Windows terminal setup to bridge PowerShell and WSL out of Windows Terminal
How to fix ‘git encountered old-style’ warning
August 11, 2024
A quick fix for this warning in git CLI
Kubernetes tools for a smooth sail
August 9, 2024
A collection of essential CLI tools to work with Kubernetes
Oh my! Terminals dropping from above
August 6, 2024
A look at quake-mode in terminal applications

  All blog posts


Recently I've also put up a Telegram channel for Apple Developer releases, which are published as soon as they're out. And a Notion page about Apple Silicon tips and tricks.