This is my personal website, I write and edit it. Opinions here are solely my own.
I check and revise this page occasionally in an effort to keep it up-to-date.
By using this website, in any and all forms, you accept the following terms and policies.
All content provided is for informational purposes only and without warranties of any kind. I do not guarantee completeness of any information found here or by following any links here published. I will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. I will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.
Privacy policy
This website is deployed and hosted on Vercel. Please read their privacy policy to know about how they manage personal information (e.g. your IP) when loading content of websites hosted on their platform.
In case I get in touch with any personal information of yours (e.g. your email address), I will never share it to anyone without your direct consent.
Cookies and beacons
No cookies or beacons are used.
This website used to have Google Analytics, but I do not like the way they do their business. So I changed analytics tools a couple of times, until I settled on Umami, a privacy-focused alternative. Instead of self-hosting, I deployed it as a separate website on Vercel for the sake of uptime. I use it only to have some general understanding of how many users find content I post useful and the country they read it from.
All the original content on this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License unless otherwise noted. This means you are free to share, transmit, distribute, remix, transform, and build on my work as long as you don’t use it for commercial purposes without my prior written consent.
In giving me credit, a link back to the source page attributed to me is just fine. Please don’t steal the original content I post to republish it as your own.
In turn, I will attribute any non-original content of mine to his author.
This website code is published on GitHub. Apart from content, which license model is mentioned above, the rest of code files are published with a GNU GPLv3 license.
Last updated: 5 February 2024