Add Azure DevOps as a hosting provider in Working Copy

It speeds up how you list and clone your repositories on the Microsoft code hosting platform
Published on October 21, 2018 in How-tos
Read time: 1 min

Update (October 22, 2018)

Working Copy v3.5.7, released today, fixes an issue that prevented you to clone from Azure DevOps using SSH.

Working Copy is THE git client for iOS. It packs a lot of awesome features. Adding a new hosting provider is among these, so you can easily access GitHub, BitBucket and more via their REST API and list your hosted repositories in one tap.

Although GitHub, BitBucket and GitLab are already available as presets, Azure DevOps (previously knows as Visual Studio Team Service, or VSTS) is not.

Below there’s a quick guide to set up it.

Configure it

  1. Open Working Copy on iOS, go to Settings > Hosting Providers and press the + button in the upper right corner
  2. Check your USERNAME. It is the name of the organization handling the repos you want to clone. On Azure DevOps you can have multiple organizations tied to same account/email address. You can find a list of them right after logging in.
  3. Fill the fields as below:
    1. URL :
    2. Name : your choice. This is how it will be displayed in the app.
    3. SSH transfers : off if you want to transfer them via HTTPS, otherwise turn in on, but you’ll need to add Working Copy ssh public key to your account.
    4. Enable provider : yes
  4. Go to and generate a token. Only the Code capabilities are needed to make it work. Other capabilities offer access to other DevOps features, such as pipelines, etc. Now if you have universal clipboard enabled, you can just visit the website on you Mac and copy the token from there.
  5. Back to the mobile app, tap Test and fill in your USERNAME and token.

Hosting providers screenshot

That’s it.

Cloning a repo

Now it’s time to clone a repo. Since we have configured the organization, we can do it in three taps:

  1. On the main screen of Working Copy, tap the + button in the upper right corner
  2. In the new screen, select Azure DevOps as provider
  3. Now tap the repo you want to clone. Done.

Hope it helps. Thanks for reading.


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