BeatsX reset procedure

Last resort before going to Apple Store
Published on January 10, 2020 in How-tos
Read time: 1 min

I am a big fan of BeatsX and I prefer them over AirPods because they don’t need a case to be recharged (or to be carried on) and have good value for their price.

But recently three white blinks of the LED told me my earbuds were dead. Battery was charged but they didn’t turn on. What to do?

One last hope…

Googling around, I’ve found a reset procedure on the Beats website to bring them back to life.

  1. Unplug headphones from charging (if they were)
  2. Hold down the following buttons for 10 seconds:
    • Power button
    • Volume down button
  3. When the LED indicator starts to flash, release them. They should be now reset and ready to be paired again. You may even spot their popup on awake iOS devices nearby.

The procedure may also help if your Beats looks low battery (even if you charged them recently) and the LED starts blinking red and white as soon as you connect the charging cable. But please note that resetting them is kind of last resort. If it doesn’t work, you better take them for service.

Hope it helps. Thanks for reading.


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