Recipes I’ve created for Workflow app. Feel free to use and remix them. If you want, give me any feedback.
- Define Word - iOS doesn’t have a standalone dictionary app like OS X. Use this to define any word using the built in iOS dictionary.
- Save Media or PDFs - Pretty much a ‘Save As…’ option for iOS. Save PDF, files and media to apps providing Document Storage.
- Save File from URL - Pretty much a ‘Download As…’ option for iOS.
- Save image to Photos - Easy way to save an image from any app to your Photo Library. You can find all saved images in the Workflow album. IMPORTANT: you need to create an album named Workflow first, otherwise this won’t work! It is actually a limit of the app.
- Save to Pocket and Tweet - Spot a nice article? Save it for later but tweet it.
For Safari
- Duplicate Tab - Bringing ‘Duplicate tab’ option to Safari for iOS.
- Frank’s Web Clipper - Share an article in reader mode to your favorite apps. E.g. Evernote for iOS doesn’t let you clip just a simplified web page like its desktop counterpart. So here’s an easy-to-use solution. It should work with all applications in the share menu. Tested with Evernote.
- Frank’s Bookmark Saver - Bookmark any web page to your favorite app via the share menu. E.g. Evernote for iOS doesn’t let you clip a web page as bookmark like its desktop counterpart. Tested with Evernote.
For Evernote
- Clip on the go - Quickly take a picture and save it to On The Go notebook (you need to create it manually first).
Evernote Web Clippers
The missing web clippers for Evernote on iOS. Notes will also have a from workflow tag for a later easy recognition. If you want to more powerful option use Frank’s web clipper above, instead.
- Evernote Clip Article - Save a simplified version of the webpage in your default notebook. It works best with web articles.
- Evernote Clip Article Pro - Save a simplified version of the webpage in your default notebook. It works best with web articles. This Pro version comes with notebook and tags choice and option to open the app after clipping.
- Evernote Save Bookmark - Save a bookmark for that webpage in default notebook. Express solution.
- Evernote Save Bookmark Pro - Save a bookmark for that webpage in default notebook. This Pro version comes with notebook and tags choice and option to open the app after clipping.